<p>Prophetic Equipping 2024</p>
Prophetic Equipping 2024


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    Prophetic Equipping - Advanced

    August 2 - 3, 2024

    As we yield to the leading of Holy Spirit in this season, let us continue to develop our understanding and knowledge in the prophetic with our next installment - Prophetic Equipping: Advanced.

    Students will learn about prophetic principles (giving practical advice from the standpoint of the person prophesying), prophetic pitfalls (snares that can hinder ministers), and advanced activations (to minister spiritual gifts in a safe environment).

    August 2nd, 7:00pm - 10:00pm

    August 3rd, 9:00am - 4:30pm

    In-person Only

    Cost of materials, instruction, and lunch: $40pp